ITTF PTT Ranking List

Description of the PTT rating system for singles. If you have questions please have a look at explanation to the rating system changes for 2022.

Description of the PTT rating system for doubles and mixed doubles.

For any questions or for reporting errors please contact Dimitrios Katis by e-mail.

Here is an online calculator to check your points or better understand the system. Please note that it is quite simple and does not take into account the medal bonus points.

Archives of past ranking lists from 1997 to 2011.

Date Note
2024-07-01 Published on 2024-07-01. Correction on 2024-07-03: Taipei tournament is a factor 20 not 40.
2024-06-01 Published on 2024-05-28.
2024-05-01 Published on 2024-05-01. It includes medal bonuses removal.
2024-04-01 Published on 2024-04-01.
2024-03-01 Published on 2024-02-20.
2024-02-01 Published on 2024-01-31.
Correction on 2024-02-01: added missing match between Peter Palos and LEUNG Chung Yan at the Egypt Para Open 2024.
2024-01-01 Published on 2024-01-07.
2023-12-01 Published on 2023-12-01.
2023-11-01 Published on 2023-11-01.
2023-10-01 Published on 2023-09-25.
2023-09-01 Published on 2023-08-30. Correction on 2023-08-31: Korean Open was wrongly set as a factor 20 tournament.
2023-08-01 Published on 2023-07-31.
2023-07-01 Published on 2023-06-30.
2023-06-01 Published on 2023-06-01.
2023-05-01 Published on 2023-05-01.
2023-04-01 Published on 2023-03-29.
2023-03-01 Published on 2023-03-01.
2023-01-01 Published on 2022-12-30. Compression of 10 %.
2022-12-01 Published on 2022-11-28.
2022-11-01 Published on 2022-10-31 and corrected on 2022-11-01 to remove medal bonus points won before end of tournament credit period (31 July) for singles ranking list.
2022-10-01 Published on 2022-09-30.
2022-09-01 Published on 2022-09-06.
2022-08-01 Published on 2022-08-02. In singles, the inactivity rule has been applied and has excluded many players who have not participated within last year. In doubles and mixed doubles, there were some error corrections from past ranking lists.
2022-07-01 Published on 2022-07-02. Updated on 2022-07-05 with doubles and mixed doubles.
2022-06-01 Published on 2022-06-01. Updated on 2022-07-05 with doubles and mixed doubles.
2022-04-01 Published on 2022-04-11. It's the first ranking list built from new results system, so please review carefully. Updated on 2022-07-05 with doubles and mixed doubles.
2022-02-01 Published on 2022-02-09, Many unrated active players have been assigned a rating. Updated on 2022-02-24
#5084, Marielle Boers, F1, 4 participations also …. Got rating…359points
#3362, Junjian Chen, M3, 4 participations also … Got rating… 560points
#5669, TAUBAKOA Iakoba Taberanibou, M5, 4 participations also … Got rating… 432points
#6050, TOH Claire, F2, 4 participations with 1 win against 962points … Got rating… 840points
#2392, ABDELMAGID BASHIR Mahmoud, M6. Had already two wins against rated players…710points.
#6502, FUNAYAMA Mahiro, M10. Had already two wins against rated players…1430points.
#5437, Gustafson Sam, M7, have not taken in mind his participation at France 2021 where made 1 win … Rating adjustment from 632 (minimum of cl.7) to 880points (He won 1007points player)
#5908, AVENDANO ARENALES Pedro Luis, M4 … he was reclassified to Cl.3 but missing from my files … corrected his class and also his points. He has 4 participations and his points should be 249(minimum of cl.3) instead of 400 (minimum of cl.4)
#6226, KOSTENEVICH Anastasia, F9 … he was reclassified to Cl.10 but missing from my files … corrected her class.
2022-01-01 Published on 2022-01-09.
2021-12-01 Published on 2021-12-02.
2021-11-01 Published on 2021-11-01.
2021-10-01 Published on 2021-10-01.
2021-08-01 Published on 2021-07-20.
2021-07-01 Published on 2021-06-30. Announcement of reactivation of Para Table Tennis ranking.
2020-04-01 Published on 2020-03-20.
2020-03-01 Published on 2020-03-01.
2020-02-01 Published on 2020-02-01.
2020-01-01 Published on 2019-12-29.
2019-12-01 Published on 2019-11-30.
2019-11-01 Published on 2019-11-08.
2019-10-01 Published on 2019-09-30.
Correction on 2019-10-01: Mistaken result between DEVOS Laurens against PEREZ GONZALEZ Juan Bautista and correction of SZVITACS Alexa class.
2019-09-01 Published on 2019-08-30.
Correction on 2019-09-04: Asian players entered rating calculations of Bangkok Open with mistaken ratings, not including rating movements from Asian Championships.
Correction on 2019-09-27: Some unrated players got medal bonus points and so had rating of 3 or 6 by mistake, they are now back to being unrated until they beat 2 rated players.
2019-08-01 Published on 2019-08-02
2019-07-01 Published on 2019-07-10.
2019-06-01 Published on 2019-06-04.
2019-05-01 Published on 2019-05-02.
2019-04-01 Published on 2019-04-03. Corrections on 2019-04-07 in men's class 10.
2019-03-01 Published on 2019-03-08 with only some penalties cancellations.
2019-02-01 Published on 2019-02-09 mainly with medal bonus reset at the beginning of the new tournament credit period and few minor corrections.
2019-01-01 Published on 2019-01-07.
2018-12-01 Published on 2018-12-02.
2018-11-01 Published on 2018-11-02.
2018-10-01 Published on 2018-09-30.
Correction on 2018-10-02: Natalia PARTYKA active due to ITTF tournament participation.
2018-09-01 Published on 2018-09-07.
2018-08-01 Published on 2018-08-04.
Cancellation of penalties for no-show at US Open because they were caused by a virus that affected many players.
Correction on 2018-08-15: Melissa Tapper active due to ITTF tournament participation.
2018-07-01 Published on 2018-07-08.
2018-06-01 Published on 2018-06-01.
2018-04-01 Published on 2018-04-07.
2018-03-01 Published on 2018-02-28.
Medal bonus reset and 5% compression.
2018-01-01 Published on 2017-12-28.
Correction on 2017-12-30: The points from the Panamerican were not counted in the final ratings.
Correction on 2017-12-31: cancellation of penalty for no-show of Jose Luis RUIZ REYES.
Correction on 2018-01-06: cancellation of penalty for no-show at European Championships for 5 players from Israel (M4, M6, M7, F10).
Correction on 2018-01-31: restoration of penalty for no-show to Jose Luis RUIZ REYES
2017-12-01 Published on 2017-12-03.
2017-11-01 Published on 2017-11-07.
Correction on 2017-11-03: missing finals from Thailand Open 2017 for SM7, SM10, SM11, SF4 and SF10.
2017-09-01 Published on 2017-09-05.
2017-08-01 Published on 2017-08-05.
2017-07-01 Published on 2017-07-03.
2017-06-01 Published on 2017-05-30.
2017-05-01 Published on 2017-05-01.
2017-04-01 Published on 2017-04-05.
2017-03-01 Published on 2017-03-08.
2017-01-01 Published on 2017-01-01.
2016-12-01 Published on 2016-12-09. Corrections for junior players on 2016-12-16.
2016-11-01 Published on 2016-11-06.
2016-10-01 Published on 2016-09-30.
2016-09-01 Published on 2016-09-02: No changes from August except few inactive players excluded.
2016-08-01 Published on 2016-08-06 with minor corrections of July ranking list
2016-07-01 Published on 2016-07-05.
2016-06-01 Published on 2016-05-27.
2016-03-01 Published on 2016-03-01.
2016-02-01 Published on 2016-01-31.
Creation of junior ranking list for players under 23.
Compression of 5% for all players.
Removal of all medal bonuses for last 2 years corresponding to the period of the tournament credit as decided in 2014 meeting in Copenhagen.
2016-01-01 Published on 2015-12-29.
KIM Kun-hea #3743 F10->F9
Updated on 2015-12-30, KIM Munja (F5, KOR) from 1018 to 1077.
2015-12-01 Published on 2015-12-02. Please note that this ranking list contains 2 main error corrections:
one about some players who were inactive for one year whose points are reduced late,
the other one about wins against low rated players in singles events of factor 40 tournaments.
Please read the explanations and details behind corrections.
2015-11-01 Published on 2015-11-01. Updated on 2015-11-04 to correct some missing re-classifications.
2015-10-01 Published on 2015-09-28.
2015-09-01 Published on 2015-08-30.
2015-08-01 Published on 2015-08-17. Correction in M11 for Peter Palos on 2015-08-21.
2015-07-01 Published on 2015-07-08.
2015-06-01 Published on 2015-06-04.
2015-05-01 Published on 2015-04-27.
2015-04-01 Published on 2015-04-06.
2015-01-01 Published on 2014-12-30.
Rating of 4 players has been adjusted down because their reduction for inactivity was not applied when they entered their last tournament:
  • #4112 WILSON Ross participated in France with initial rating 1594 instead of 1514. So his final rating after tournament should be 1533 instead of 1607.
  • #2064 MAIRIE Claire also participated in France with initial rating 1457 instead of 1384. So her final rating after the games she played should be 1390 instead of 1439.
  • #4198 ANIKANOV Vladimir also participated in France with initial rating 1346 instead of 1279. So his final rating after tournament should be 1268 instead of 1324.
  • #3729 CHIQUITO JOUTEAUX Wilmington Ismael participated in Copa Tango with initial rating 396 instead of 376. So his final rating after tournament should be 344 instead of 364.
2014-12-01 Published on 2014-11-29.
2014-11-01 Published on 2014-11-08.
2014-10-01 Published on 2014-10-07.
2014-09-01 Published on 2014-08-28.
2014-07-01 Published on 2014-07-09.
Updated on 2014-07-14 mainly because few new players were missing and also because of an inverted result at Slovakia Open (TM3) between ZHAI Xiang and YOSHIDA Shinichi.
2014-06-01 Published on 2014-06-02.
2014-05-01 Published on 2014-05-18.
2014-04-01 Published on 2014-04-09, it includes the changes decided at Copenhagen meeting. Updated on 2014-04-13 to fix some issues like few classification changes and inactive players.
2014-01-01 Published on 2013-12-30, 2 minor errors fixed in Taichung Open and Belgium Open.
2013-12-01 Published on 2013-12-03. 100 players (over all classes) have been given initial ratings and now appear on these lists for the 1st time.
2013-11-01 Published on 2013-11-08
2013-10-01 Published on 2013-10-19
2013-09-01 Published on 2013-09-11
2013-05-01 May 1st update delayed due to an error in a player's registration from Kuwait at Al Watani Championships.
2013-04-01 Updated on April, 8th to fix some errors in results of Eger and Lignano.
2013-01-01 Updated on January, 15th because San Diego results were out of sequence and 42 new players (over all classes) have been given initial ratings and now appear on these lists for the 1st time.
2012-07-01 These ratings will be used for London 2012 Paralympic Games seeding.
Warning: updated on July, 5th because the results of the F6-8 team event at French Open were missing.
Mistakes are always possible so I'd really appreciate that players check their results in the "summary per player" that I publish after each tournament rather than waiting for ranking list's update at the end of the quarter.
2012-04-01 The previous rating is now indicated.
2012-01-01 All players' ratings have been compressed by 20% (e.g. a player with rating 1000 is now 800). First official ranking list based on ratings.
Updated on 2012-02-10: class 11 players are now included and some errors fixed in other classes.